Governor Rick Perry gave an overview of his firm stance to support legislation that reflects Texas values. One of the ways is through his great support for HB 109 known as the "Choose Life" specialty license plate. If passed, this voluntary plate will be available to drivers for $30. $8 will cover the cost of manufacturing the plate while the remaining $22 will go into a fund to be distributed to organizations presenting adoption to people experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Organizations that provide or refer for abortion will not be eligible to receive funds from this initiative.
Representative Larry Phillips, author of HB 109, shared from his personal life how he and his wife supported a young teen mother during her pregnancy. She lived with the Phillips family and benefited from their love and encouragement. Ultimately the young woman provided parents for her baby through adoption, so Mr. Phillips was able to see the fruit of adoption.
Probably most powerful of all events that day was hearing from the people who know the blessings of adoption first hand. Pregnancy counselors, adoptive families (with children in-tow), and heroic birth mothers shared their enthusiasm and appreciation for adoption. There is no way to estimate the impact of their testimonies.
We need to help others understand that even if they categorize themselves as traditionally "pro-choice" they, too, can support adoption. It adds a parenting choice for women. I am encouraged to see more people look more closely at this important option because it provides a living example of how adoption affects generations....for life.
It is vital we remember no one group, denomination or political party has a corner on life issues. This event clearly illustrated the Body of Christ coming together for one purpose - to promote adoption as a compassionate life-giving alternative to abortion. I am proud to have joined Dr. Joe Pojman (Texas Alliance for Life), Pastor Juan Sanchez (High Pointe Baptist), Bishop Gregory Aymond (Catholic Diocese of Austin) and the countless organizations and individuals that made Saturday's event the great success it was. To see additional photos, view video or hear audio from the day's activities please visit Texas Rally for Life.
Much work still lies ahead, but let us be assured with the words of Galatians 6:9 "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary."
Let's not grow weary!