Every year our family gathers for a delicious Thanksgiving Feast. The table is set, the air is full of delightful smells and our mouths water as we pause in a circle holding hands to give thanks for our many blessings. Each year there is a new dish that somehow stands alone grabbing our attention. This year it was the Peppered Cranberry Relish my sister-in-law made. She is a great cook and this year she really hit this recipe out-of-the-park!!
After our elastic waistbands could no longer expand our family prepared to go our separate ways. Before waving goodbye, we divvied up the leftovers so each family could continue to enjoy the feast that seemed to keep on giving. Somehow I was fortunate enough to land the cranberry relish. Perhaps my good luck was due to it being my birthday on turkey day! Whatever the reason I brought it home and served it to some house guests who also raved about it.
Since it is SO good I thought I would share the recipe with you. Here goes...
Peppered Cranberry Relish
2 bags fresh cranberries
1 c. fresh lime juice
include the zest from at least 8 limes
1 bunch green onion washed and minced
2 tsp. salt
2/3 of one bunch fresh cilantro
5 fresh seeded jalapenos
1 Tbsp. minced garlic (about 3 cloves)
2 1/2 c. light brown sugar
1/2 c. cracked pepper (no typo....1/2 cup)
Place all ingredients into food processor and voila! You will have a tremendous dish to compliment turkey. I promise it is as good with ham too! Heck, I put it out with an appetizer tray that included cream cheese on crackers ...scrumptious! Not only does it sport great flavor it adds a flash of color and a tremendous texture for your tongue.
Whip up a batch for yourself and let me know what you think. You won't be disappointed.
Just in time for your Christmas menu,