It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Just hear those sleigh bells ringing!
Silent Night, Holy Night. These are the opening lines from a few Christmas music favorites. I imagine it is looking a lot like Christmas at your home too. I'm a little tardy in posting an update, but alas, those cookies, cakes and candy don't bake themselves!
Two weekends ago our family began decking our halls inside and out. Doug brought home a high lift machine to make it easier to hang lights on the edge of our eaves. The kids loved getting a chance to go up pretty high to see things from a bird's eye perspective. Inside we've put up not one tree but two. We have a large open space above our front door with a picture window that frames our lit tree perfectly. It was fun climbing the ladder, hoisting the tree, stringing the lights and placing the decorations just 'so'. The downstairs tree features our favorite ornaments we have collected and the priceless treasures our children have made throughout the years.

Out of all the fun that decorating, baking and exchanging can bring, one of my most favorite moments is at the very beginning as we bring out the boxes of decorations. One by one I hear my children exclaim, "Oooooh! Remember THIS one?!" or "Mom, look at THIS!" Hearing the excitement in their voices and seeing this special holiday through their eyes is the most rewarding and renewing thing for my spirit.

We have several traditions in the Stobbe Household. Here is a mere sampling of some of our family antics, I mean, activities:
Santa DustThis is a combination of glitter and oatmeal that we sprinkle on our front lawn so Santa will know where our house is. The glitter reflects the moon's rays while Rudolph and his friends smell the oatmeal. This little recipe is from my dear sweet MamaGayle! (p.s. Our children are still giddy with glee each year even though they have both made THE discovery about the Man in Red.)
Santa's Goody PlateMost families place cookies and milk fireside for Santa to sample. That's too ordinary for this house apparently. Each year is different. One year we offered lemonade and a granola bar, another it was pretzels and a Capri Sun pouch. You catch the drift, don't you? (nota bene: The p.s. above holds true for this category as well.)
Christmas Morning Present ExchangeAfter tearing open our gifts and snapping more photos than we will ever look at, we open the final gift remaining under the tree. It is always the one that is the least decorated. The final gift is always the same. It never changes. It is a plain little tin. Inside we find scriptures and symbols that represent the story of Christ's birth and the story of salvation. The reason we celebrate His birth is not for the store bought gifts, but for the blood bought gift - salvation. The life of Jesus is the greatest gift of all because when we accept Him as the gift from God then we will receive salvation forever. It is the only gift that truly keeps on giving.
What does your family do at Christmas to help you remember the reason we celebrate? Why not share a tradition with me? Who knows, we might just incorporate one of your ideas. And, hey, if you have an idea for what food and drink to offer Santa this year - please consider this the "suggestion box".
Much love to you and yours during this festive time of year! Now, go get to it!