Sometimes when it rains it pours. I appreciate this phrase and can point to times in my life where this has seemed to be true. In fact, I am currently in one of those periods. Our family moved about six weeks ago. Moving, whether down the street or across the state, will always present challenges. One can count on a few surprises along the way. This is why I am not surprised with my current situation.
Shortly after moving in, I found a puddle of water under my kitchen sink. I figured it was the left-over run off from my dish drainer since I store it under the sink. So, I cleaned up the water and didn't think twice about it. One week later I saw the puddle emerge again and decided it might be something more serious. Sure enough, there is a leak in our faucet. No problem; I'll call the home warranty folks. After hefty service call out fee we learn the faucet is not covered under the warranty. Figures.
While this is all happening we also discover the microwave is not working. The turn table motor has burned up! This is compliments of the second hefty service call out fee. :)
Fast forward to earlier this week when I prepare to transfer my wet clothes from the washer to the dryer. Imagine my surprise when I lift the lid and I see my clothes soaking in a tub full of water. The pump blew and the machine ist kaput! For a moment I growled,
"Every wheel on my wagon is falling off! What is up?!?" Self pity is a really obnoxious trait (though I am prone to my share of bouts), so as I was digging my clothes out of the washer I decided to recite things I was thankful for.
My non-theological very basic list went something like this:
I'm glad I have a washer and that I am not washing our clothing on a rock near a river bank.
I'm glad I have towels to wipe up the water from under the sink and that I'm not having to walk to a well to gather water. I have a sink!
I'm very happy I have a pot I can boil water in to make my tea. Who really needs a microwave anyway? I remember my mother doing well without one during my childhood.
You get the picture.
All of this brings me to two nights ago. I had fallen asleep while thinking about making peace with the home repairs and shelling out money we saved for a vacation that was diverted to replacing the washing machine when I was awakened by a loud beeping noise. I grabbed my glasses and checked the clock: 4:40 a.m. Realizing it was not a smoke alarm I relaxed a bit. My husband slumbered peacefully beside me, so I went to track down the noise. Ah ha! it was coming from one of the cordless phones downstairs. The battery was dying to be put on the charger. Maybe the guys who invented the cordless phone could also install a light sensor so it won't beep until daylight.....
Crawling out of bed I headed down the stairs at a good clip thinking that if it continued to beep it would wake the kids. Wanting to avoid this at all costs I miscalculated my speed as well as final two stairs. I made enough of a thud to wake the dead as I landed squarely upon my knees on the hardwood floor. My knees were the least of my concerns as I realized I couldn't move because of my wrenched back. What a sound, what a sight, what a pain!
The bright side to this scenario is my loud landing awoke my husband and the kids slept on. Whew! Doug came down, did an assessment, and got me settled. As I laid there I began digging deep to count my blessings. Faithful as the Lord is, the first thing that popped into my mind was, "Thank you God for hand rails!" The fourth wheel had fallen off my wagon, so maybe now I could make a sleigh.
Sometimes we might feel we are tumbling through life head over heels (and not in the 'lovey dovey' sort of way) or navigating a mine field of frustrating mishaps. When we face these times let's challenge ourselves that the first thing we will do is to give thanks.
Somehow when we get our minds off of our circumstances and deliberately fix our thoughts upon the goodness of our Lord, a change occurs. The Book of Psalms is packed with instances when David is faced with serious problems and with great determination decides to praise the Lord. He sheds his woe and begins to praise. When He does this, the psalm turns from lament or fear into thanksgiving and praise.
What has you down today? Are you literally lying on your back like me, or are you figuratively on your back so far by life circumstances that the only thing you can do is look up? Whichever it is, open your eyes, look up, and begin to thank God in heaven for all you have been given.
You may have heard the hymn "Count Your Blessings". Well then, do it. Name them one by one. Count your many blessings ~ see what God has done.
Your friend,