I almost dropped the phone.
There, right in front of me was the biggest owl I have ever seen - and did I mention it was in my back YARD?? What an amazing sight! He stared at me motionless. Gathering my thoughts I wrapped up my phone call and backed up slowly heading for the door. Quick as a flash I scrambled through the kitchen past the microwave repairman (thanks again, Alan!) and got the camera. I called the kids down to come and join me.
Reluctant to leave the Wii, the kids ran down the stairs to see what all the fuss was about. Once outside I showed them the owl. The one I spied had relocated up the pine. I took a few pictures as the children appropriately oohed and aahed. Feeling I had adequately captured the owl I began slowly backing away.
Rustle, rustle and Katherine yelps, "Look! There's another owl!!" No way, I thought. Sure enough, further up an adjacent tree, sat an equally elegant owl. This one, a bit smaller, seemed a little frigtened. Gee, who wouldn't be with shrieking and pointing from an over-zealous 40 year old mom, not to mention the kids? Well, then there is also the repairman... We all got involved.
Now that I'm back at my desk enjoying a cup of tea compliments of my newly operational microwave, I sit and think what a neat happening this was. I was going through my average daily activities when my routine was interrupted by extraordinary owls. Okay, not all of you may be excited about owls, but this certainly was an unexpected event.
I am glad I was not in a hurry or too wrapped up in my chores. I put everything on "pause" to really appreciate these magnificent creatures.
How often are we in a hurry? How often do we think, "Oh, if I only had more time!" or "Maybe they will be there later after my work is done."
I don't want to miss any opportunity to embrace the unexpected. Do you? Sometimes the greatest things come in the most unusual packages. Are you in a position to recognize and be in awe of them?
Thanking God for His incredible creation and the jolt of joy He has provided,
P.S. No, Lynda, they are not the fake stuffed kind! :-)
Oh, what a hoot! They really are magnificent aren't they - just wow! Thanks for sharing this spectacular moment!