Summer means all sorts of things to different people. Stobbe summers mean sand between the toes, creative sand creations and body burials, tackling the waves with boogie boards, feeding gluttonous sea gulls, reading books poolside, and fierce card game competition.

We enjoyed some of these special moments recently at one of our favorite beaches: Port Aransas, TX. It's a quaint little fishing town, so don't be looking for the high-rise resort condos. 'Port A' as it has affectionately become known, is home to great times, touristy shopping and is also home of the legendary Pat McGee's surf shop. While growing up, it was all the rage to own a T-shirt from this well-known store. Sadly we discovered it is no longer open. :(

One of our favorite activities is waking early to walk down and catch a glimpse of the sun making its daily appearance on the horizon. We relish the quiet time listening to the waves gently crashing on the shore while eating a couple of powdered donuts. This is pretty well the only time we eat those addictive little morsels, and it's interesting to note the children think one cannot go to the beach without powdered donuts. Ha!

After lots of sand, sun and waves we would break our beach camp and head to the pool. After becoming duly waterlogged we headed in to clean up and fix feasts for dinner and to prepare for card and domino mania. This year was an unmatched frenzy of epic proportions. A good time was had by all!
Now that school has begun, I find myself thinking back over the memories we made this summer. Port Aransas tops the list in my book. Do you know why it is was so special to me? It was special for all the reasons I have shared before, but more importantly because I got to share the experience with my birth mother. 40 years ago, Alyson placed me in the loving arms of my parents. She created a home for me. She could have chosen differently, and well, my life certainly would have been different.
Many people don't understand adoption and often think of it as abandonment or that a birth mother 'gives up' her baby. Whatever people may think they often do not realize or understand the depth of love these women possess for their children. They love their babies and want what is best for them. In this case, providing parents for me through adoption turned out to be the greatest choice. And because of this choice, my kids are able to play with, talk to and love on Alyson and her husband Rusty. They are better known as "G-Mom" and "G-Dad."

Just look at the smiles around that table! I wish you could have heard the uproarious laughter that was the common background music of all our activity. This is a shining example of how God can bring about great things from seemingly very negative circumstances. Praise God for His goodness, for His redemptive power, and for His priceless grace. And I thank Alyson for her courage as well.
Adoption provides a legacy of life that affects generations. My children's smiles are living evidence.
Summer beach bummin' spent with family. My, oh my, how grateful I am...
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