Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Fruit of Our Labor

"I wonder what these are, Mommy," she whispered. It was hot, and I was tired as we sat on the floor of the garage looking through a newly discovered sack of seeds. Inside we found several packets still sealed, easily identifiable and ready for planting. Yet, floating at the bottom of the bag were a half dozen seeds of unknown origin. What kind were they? How long had they been in there? Was there life still within the seed? We had not a clue what they were but quickly decided these would be the seeds to plant in one of our pots.

I silently wondered if we were embarking on a doomed experiment.

Pushing aside these dismal thoughts, we set about our work pouring soil into the pot and carefully placing the seeds within the fresh dirt ending with a cool drink of water. Then we waited. And we waited. Within two weeks we saw sprigs of leaves poke their way through into the sunlight. Major excitement erupted. Over the summer we watched the leaves grow taller and fuller, but no flowers came. My daughter fought her disappointment while I attempted to provide encouragement by explaining 'these things take time'; not what an 8 year old wants to hear. Or a 40 year old, for that matter.

Just about the time we quit looking for petals we were surprised with a flicker of hope that a bud was forming. We watched the bud develop and then squealed with delight when it finally opened. Not only were we excited to be able to identify the flower as a viola we also felt rewarded for our patience.

This entire process holds spiritual significance as well. Often times we plant seeds with others skeptically wondering all the while if they will ever take root and eventually bear fruit. A gentle reminder from the Lord came.
We are to simply be about the business we are called and equipped to do. Plant the seed, water the seed and allow time for it to grow.

We cannot cause another to embrace Christ, but we can give him/her the opportunity to hear, thus planting a seed. The Holy Spirit will then take the seed and and nurture its growth. Most assuredly this will take time.

"Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this case the saying is true, 'One sows and another reaps.' I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored and you have entered into their labor." John 4:36-38

What a blessing to be a part of harvesting souls for the Lord! Are you on the lookout to cast the seed of the Gospel? Christ followers carry the seed of faith at all times. Be prepared to plant. Caution: just as it is messy to garden physically it can also be messy when dealing with humans! Be watchful so as to water a seed previously planted, and certainly be ready when the Spirit chooses you play a part in the harvest of seeing one saved through faith. Incidentally, there is great freedom and joy in realizing when we are about the Father's business it is never a doomed project. God knows what He is doing and His seed always carries life within it.

Got your gardening gear on today? What are you going to plant?

A joyful sower of both earthly and eternal seeds...


1 comment:

  1. I love this story - you're a great story writer! Love you,
